Erasmus+ Acreditation for schools education
European Comission is permanently developing its program for education. Erasmus+ Program is an important tool for reaching professional development, adjusting methods and techniques and obtaing personal development into the integrative community of European education.
The concept of acreditation is an instrument that allows schools or other actors from the educational field to establish partnerships with other similar institutions, to improve teaching methodology and to form an holistic image regarding European values and European opportunities for personal and professional development.
Avram Iancu Secondary school obtained an Erasmus+ Schools Acreditation that allows the implementation of a development plan ( the Erasmus plan) with five important goals. The goals regards techers professional development, involving training sessions according to school needs and students personal development by getting in contact with educational process from European schools.
Tabloul general al cursurilor de formare profesională și a mobilităților realizate prin primul proiect de finanțare al Acreditării Erasmus+.