The scientific festival

The Scientific Festival

The  event called “Scientific festival” is an opportunity for pupils to learn by trans and inter-curricular training. The festival is an event that will happen every year under the form of a pupil’s conferences with the following sections: trans-curricular projects, scientific experiences happening around us, literature and theatrical contest. The event have direct attendance, for pupils in schools’ regions and indirect attendance, by sending written documents.

  • The International Scientific Festival from Volos, Greece- october 2017. This event was planed into a project international reunion. The exhibition of scientific experiments was organized by teams from every attending school. Student made live experiments that involved phenomena that covers many subjects from school curricula.
    • Experiments themes:
      1. How to obtain the corners of a regular polygon by magnetism on water surface (experiment made by Codorean Luca, Oros Daria and Laura Ghețe from ”Avram Iancu”Gymnasium.) The leaflet regarding the experiment.
      2. How to demonstrate the Archimede’s force in various situations. (Experiment demonstrated by a team of students from  Zespol SP nr2,P i Gimnazjum  Zagnansk, Poland). The poster explaining the experiment.
      3. How to prepare soap (Experiment proposed by students from Bagcilar Mustafa Kemal Ortaokulu, Istanbul, Turkey). PPT presentation of the experiment.
      4. Scientific experiments on non-newtonian fluids and other topics performed by students from CEIP San Luis, Almeria, Spain. Experiments technical presentation.
      5. How to prepare soap from olive oil- experiment presented by students from  5TH LYCEUM OF VOLOS, Greece . The ingredients list and procedure.
      6. How to made a small garden using waist materials. ( Increasing awareness towards environmental issues) – experiment made by  students from Zeytinlibahce Mesleki ve Teknik, Turcia.
      7. Why do sky lanterns float?– Experiment that determine the factors that influences sky lanterns floating made by a team of teachers and students from I.C. “S. CASELLA”  PEDARA CATANIA


  • Trans-curricular essays:
    • On the benefits of endemic plants from the region of Volos, Greece:
      1. The hidden treasure of Volos-Doc( ”Avram Iancu” Gymnasium)
      2. The hidden treasure of Volos-PPT(”Avram Iancu” Gymnasium)
      3. Organic medicines and the economical benefits of endemic plants of Volos- pptx (Bagcilar Mustafa Kemal Ortaokulu, Istanbul, Turkey)
      4. Endemic plants in the area of Volos- odt(Zespol SP nr2,P i Gimnazjum  Zagnansk, Poland)
    • On Food Additives and  their influence on human health:
      1. How food supplements influence the quality of human life-docx (Zespol Szkol nr 10 wLublinie, Poland)
      2. How food supplements influence the quality of human life-pdf (Zespol Szkol nr 10 wLublinie, Poland)
      3. THE FOOD AND ITS EFFECTS ON HUMAN LIFE– docx (Zeytinlibahce Mesleki ve Teknik, Turkey)
      4. The movie on endemic plants in the region of Volos and its economical benefits – by the team of teachers and students from Istituto Comprensivo Statale Salvatore Casella, Pedara, Italy
    • Theatrical performances:
      1. Theatrical performance’ report by Sofia Arghiraki,5TH LYCEUM OF VOLOS, Grecia. The theme of the drama accorded to some basic environmental problems such as forests’ destroy,  floods, climate changes. This drama was part of the general theme of our project – the development of intercurricular schedule – and showed the significance that interaction as well as the involvement of different school subjects as didactical approaches do have. Report
      2.  Presentation from Zespół Szkoły Podstawowej nr 2 Przedszkola i Gimnazjum w Zagnańsku, Poland,prepared for the first international meeting of the international project Erasmus+ ”Developing trans and inter-curricular skills for the 21-st century” in Zespół Szkół nr 10 in Lublin, Poland, 20th -24th on 21st February 2017.The students were to present their country, region with its traditions, landmarks and oddities as well as the students’ involvement in the project.The play.
      3. Doctor Earth- Theatrical play with trans-curricular character on environmental issues conceived by Armanda Stroia and Laura Campean, English teachers to “Avram Iancu” Gymnasium, Dej, Romania. The play.
      4. Countries presentation in a theatrical play focused on a representative female figure from the attending countries. The play was conceived by a team of students and teachers from CEIP San Luis, Almeria, Spain.

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