Contest’s objectives:
1) To create a context for regional and international cooperation regarding trans and inter curricular teaching for partners involved
2) To create an early link between school training and daily life challenges for the future adult, especially in labor market
3) To implement new teaching methods and materials that will encourage trans and inter curricular teaching.
5) To increase school’s European dimension by promoting closer relationships among students, teachers, families and other people related to schools from different countries with different languages and cultures.
Operational objectives:
1) to increase skills level f quiz made by us, which the students were solving between the schools with whom we worked from our region
2) to enable pupils to face common issues using scientific methods
3) to interact, communicate and cooperate in order to solve a problem using teams works
Contest materials:
- quiz using KAHOOT TOOLS, made by teachers from Zespol SP nr2,P i Gimnazjum Zagnansk, Poland, which the students were solving between the schools from regional partnership, during the Olympics (competition “Secrets of water”)
- The contest was prepared with the help of a book with items examples proposed by teachers from all attending schools. The items were created on a general integrative topic agreed by all partners. For primary the topic was „the wood”, for lower secondary the topic was ”the water” and for upper secondary the topic was ”the air”. The content-doc.
- Contest items translated into Romanian. In order to make project idea more easy to disseminate into local community, the material regarding contest items has an complete translation into Romanian. (translation made by Diana Rafa, teacher to ”Avram Iancu” Gymnasium)
- Contest methodology
- Contest items in separate files:
- Air pollution comprehension (Mersin)
- A small analysis of English curriculum in Romania
- Test on ”the water”
- Biology items related to water environment
- Chemistry items for lower secondary schools
- Issues and phenomena about the air
- Erasmus article about the air-Mersin
- Hydrosphere-test related with Geography
- Items proposed by the team of Istanbul for the Olympiad
- Test on maternal language for primary
- Math and science for high-schools
- Math and science contest items for lower secondary students
- Math and science contest suggestions
- Math and science for the contest-Italy
- Chemistry items samples