Project’s final products


             The project ”Developing educational technique starting from regional context” proposed in the application form the acheivement of the following tangible results:

1) “Our community into school curriculum-A brochure with lessons scenario with the implementation
of  school curricula on regional specific. 

2)A platform with didactic materials on electronic format that will contain lessons and support materials: movies, working sheets, portfolios tasks, field trips descriptions. 

3)Project printed publication called ” Teaching challenges”a magazine with scientific articles presented during project meetings, meetings description and conclusions.

4)” platform with articles regarding their regions specific.

5) ”Project journalis a small newspaper edited after the completion of every project meeting, containing students’ and teachers’ oppinions related to project learning events.

  1.     Our community into school curriculum 

                Our methodic guide with teaching lessons that exploits regional specific of partner schools in the strategic partnership for education and good practice exchanges ”Developing educational techniques starting from regional context”, 2019-1-RO01-KA201-063189 is a pedagogic project result that aims fulfilling changes into partner institutions by reducing the discrepancies between theoretic content of schools’ curriculum and the connection with common aspects of daily life, specific for geographic, economic and cultural  particularities of the communities involved.

        This lessons collection has a large range variety of methods, focussed on flexibility and adaptation, using an alternation between didactic methods with accent on active participation next to a reach collection of teaching means or didactic instruments.

2. A platform with didactic materials
3. Teaching challenges
V 1

        The first volume of “Teaching challenges” proposes scientific articles on European educational politic regarding the implementation of key competences on school curriculum, educational projects aiming students’ self-development, cross-curricular approaches on teaching biology.

        Rasit Kursun and Akhmet Berak Karamfil are proposing a study on key competences development to students mixing skills acquired during English classes and Art classes. Malgorzata Wrona makes a study on the rrecommendations of the European Council of 22 May 2018 on key competences in lifelong learning. Cristina Dascalu and Dalia Muresan are proposing a project based learning activity aiming the development of healthy behaviors regarding food. Anamaria Molnar proposes a learning activity for primary students, conceived for exploiting local factories visitation. Cristina Dascalu proposes a cross curricular learning project starting from biology lessons’ content.

V 2

      The second volume of “Teaching challenges”  is a magazine presenting school managers’, school teachers and student’s conclusions regarding project implementation during the pandemic, teaching methods, learning projects on different subjects and students’ opinions regarding C1 meeting.

        Livia Pop, as coordinating school manager explains pandemic effects on projects’ evolution and on school activity. Rasit Kursun, also makes an assessment on Covid effects. Cristiana Siragusa explains all measures implemented into Italian schools, regarding health situation. Samet Bayrak makes an analysis regarding Turkish educational system during the pandemic. Armanda Stroia proposes a teaching project involving video tutorials. Yulia Shivaceva proposes a project based learning method applied on Bulgarian school local specific. Daniela Herineanu proposes a cross curricular test involving many school subjects, based on transportation means and technological education contents. Irina Frentiu presents an activity in cooperation with “Save the children” NGO aiming supporting school learning to all children. Students from XXVII LO im Zesłańców Sybiru in Lublin are proposing a review on C1 meeting.

V 3

       The third volume of ”Teaching challenges” propose a large range of subjects related to teaching during pandemic and to didactic methods that can lead to a good implementation of regional specific into school curriculum.

      Our magazine third volume has articles proposed by teachers and students from all partner schools’. Aleksandra Wydra from XXVII Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Zeslancow Sybiru makes a study on online teaching implementation. Diana Rafa proposes a cross-curricular project for students, aiming to discover local specific potential on different school subjects. Defne Su Cinar also proposes a cross-curricular project based on local specific. Dalia Muresan proposes a teaching activity aiming students’ self-development. Mihaela Salatioan proposed a project based learning technique based on local specific, for students from primary education. Nicoleta Varga and Andra Oprisan are proposeing a lesson scenario developed to increase cultural awareness. Yulia Shivaceva and Daniela Parusheva are making a review of C1 meeting.


      The fourth volume of ” Teaching challenges” contains two scientific articles about the new directions  in teaching activity adopted by two partner schools, a sample of an educational project, a sample of a lesson scenario with various didactic instruments, and teachers’ and students impressions about C3 meeting.

          Grazziela Moschetto is presenting InoovaMenti program of education, addopted by S. Casella Secondary School. Diana Rafa is demonstrating how digital tools may be used as  didactic means, durring different lesson moments. Ozge Yoruk propose an educational project aiming students’ personal development and a lesson scenario with various learning instruments. Rasit Kursun makes a presentation of C3 meeting from Lublin, Poland from group organizing teacher’s point of view.  Students from Romania, Poland and Bulgaria are describing their experience during learning/teaching/training meeting C3. 

V 5

   The fifth volume ofTeaching challengesmagazine is a caleidoscope with articles regarding our project certification by external evaluation on Etwinning platform, about Erasmus events for schools, about optional subjects implementation, lessons scenario, didactic methods of teaching and teachers and students impressions about learning/teaching/training activities C4 and C5.

     Diana Rafa explains how she obtained Etwinning Quality Label for the project “Developing educational techniques starting from regional context”. Liva Pop explains how “Avram Iancu” Secondary School has implemented “Erasmus Days” movement. Duygy Taylan explains the bennefits of cross-curricular teaching. Nicoleta Varga describes good practice exchange’s bennefits from C5 meeting. Laura Cimpean propose an article about the promotion of an English optional subject developed on local specific. Also Laura Cimpean explains good practice exchanges from C5 meeting. A group of students from all partner schools are presenting their oppinion regarding project meetings. Malgorzata Wrona and Ozge Yoruk are proposing an Enghish lesson scenario. Stella Maria Bolignano proposes a lesson scenario on Math.

V 6

       The six-th volume of “Teaching challenges” contains articles about school events connected to the project “Developing educational techniques starting from regional context”, lesson scenario and other didactic means and project meetings review from teachers and students.

      Diana Rafa is making a presentation of our project’s rezults impact at regional and national contests for education in Romania. Ozge Yoruk propose an interesting lesson scenario with various working materials. Iulia Lador is presinting her impresions about the learning/teaching/training meeting C5 from Pedara. Andreea Vadean presint students’ point of view regarding C5 meeting. Diana Rafa is making a short presentation of Margarita Popova, a very talented artist who is a teacher at 15 High-school “Adam Mitskevich”, Sofia, Bulgaria. Stefan Tollas, Mara Pop, Dominik Luc, Sevval, Hamza, Viviana Torisi and İlke Eylul Gencer are making a presentation about learning/teaching/training activity C2 from Sofia, Bulgaria.


     How should we relate to regional specific? What do we know about traditions, cultural heritage, economic development and social life in Europe?

     Our partnership aims to bring our regions in the center of attention. Making studies about our communities on different topics, was the starting point of our activities. The website: was created to give more importance to students works and to underline the way they are celebrating their cultural heritage. 

Pay them a visit!

5. Project journal

        Project journal is  a testimonial collection helping students to better understand the educational meaning of project learting activities. All attending students to an international reunion were asked to express their thoughts related to their participation into the project. This action improved their Enghish skills, but also made them realize the contribution of the project to their personal development and to their school subjects skills.

Developing inter and trans curricular skills for 21-st century

Materials created between 2016-2018 during the partnership: 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024603

Trans-curricular teaching a bridge to knowledgeis project’s brochure conceived after project first meeting. The brochure is structured in five chapters:
  • Chapter 1) The opportunities pupils may discover by trans and inter-curricular teaching
  • Chapter 2) The reality about trans and interdisciplinary teaching in European schools
  • Chapter 3) How and why to implement trans and inter curricular subjects (working methods examples)
  • Chapter 4) Local and global learning events to promote trans and inter curricular teaching ( festivals, conferences, contests, experimental studies, implementation plans)
  • Chapter 5) Proposals for trans and inter curricular teaching events
Project’s journal is a small newspaper destined to stimulate pupils in expressing their opinions regarding project’s attendance and project’s  working sessions. Also it is  a good way to make a  testimonials collection  that help the evaluation process. New approaches in tras-curricular teaching – brochure The content was created for “The Trans-Curricular Olympiad” – a contest that involves all school subjects on an general topic. Considering that all contents were created for project contest that will reunite students starting from primary up to high-school the topics were chosen according to pupil’s age and skills. For primary the topic is the wood, for lower secondary the topic is the water and for upper secondary the topic is the air. The material is a good practice example for local community teachers that wants to see what teachers from other educational systems are proposing to their pupils. The entire content will help to exploit project’s idea into other schools. The content was also translated into Romanian for project dissemination activities. Conclusions regarding trans-curricular teaching– is a brochure with concepts and working methods implemented during project years. The brochure contains a part of the materials presented during Learning Non Conventional Conference and other materials also related to establishing links between different subjects that are studied during school years.

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