Conclusions regarding trans-curricular teaching

Conclusions regarding trans-curricular teaching

-is a brochure containing scientific concepts regarding modern ways in didactic activities, a description of this kind of actions implemented in project partner schools during the years 2016-2018 and a general evaluation of the opportunity for the action mentioned.

Final conclusions:

Over years of evolution the society changed a lot. People also changed from the primitive ancestors, to modern civilized individuals that connect to each-other to a large variety of channels and devices. Educational act must adapt to this specific by connecting institutions by training staff and by offering a good quality live experiences to all persons that are trying to improve skills, behaviors and feelings.

This project was designed to improve educational act in eight schools spread on five different countries on Europe’s map. Educational success means to take all modern realities into consideration and to still work with kindness, good will, love and care. The concept of trans and inter curricular teaching promoted nowadays by European educational systems is effective and has good results when all partners involved (teachers, students and families) cooperate together to overcome problems, limits, economical difficulties and social issues.

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