Partners’ and projects presentation

Partners’ and projects’s presentation

      This site was designed to host didactic materials from two international projects included into Erasmus+ program. 

      During 2016-2018, eight schools from Europe were involved in good practice exchanges and the implementation of new teaching methods using trans and inter curricular teaching. 

       Starting with 2019-2021 the biggest part of the partners involved decided to establish a new partnership based on their prevoius good cooperation and to continue their common work by adding new topics and by developing other working materials that implements the same trans and inter curricular method. In the second partnership, new schools were added for their working experience and for bringing a new perspective to project goals.

Developing educational techniques starting from regional context

Project’s goal:
           Establishing a global strategy for schools for valuing local specific to all subjects, for creating new teaching resources that uses regional specific and promoting European values of tolerance, acceptance in valuing traditional heritage.
Target group:
-school teachers that are willing to adapt their teaching content to regional specific;
– pupils, age 12-13-14-15 years old, from regions and schools involved.
         At the end of the project the teachers involved in this partnership will have a new set of working materials consisting in lessons scenarios, educational movies, interactive tests on educational platforms, adapted working sheets, portfolio’s content on specific topics. For schools involved this project will be a part of their internationalization plan, by establishing close contacts with schools from other countries and with schools from their region. The use of tablets,video-conferences and other new technology in didactical activities will lead to overcoming the 21st century needs and challenges. For teachers the project will mean a way of conceiving new teaching materials according to class needs and regional specific (labor markets, field trips, cooperation with other institutions like museums, botanical gardens, city library); obtaining personal development from the interactions with teachers from other teachers from different educational systems. For students involved, the project will contribute directly to their personal development with sessions about European programs destined for education, with a better understanding of theoretical training by offering the support from regional environment.

Project Activities:
              A1) Interactive teaching starts from my community -period: from november 2019- april 2020. For this activity, partner school will post on twin-space: 1)lessons assistance on the implementation of local specific into school curriculum, 2)local cooperation with schools trainers on modern teaching techniques, 3)Examples of learning by discovery – visit to local museums, 4) Tolerance and respect- lessons for a better life- workshops plans, 5)We are different but we can be united- workshop to present regional specific of the schools involved;
      A2) Students portfolios – active learning techniques . The main goal is to experiment good practice exchange consisting in materials for students personal portfolio as a learning resource. Period: may-september 2020.
       A3) Local museums and local manufactories- a wonderful resource for learning. This learning event for students was conceived to exploit local specific to different school subjects and to demonstrate regional museums educational value.

      A4) ”How to tell our stories” was a meeting dedicated to popular traditions, popular motifs and folk music.

       A5) Popular calendar around Europe . Meeitng topic was  popular traditions around the year long. Period:  May 2021.


A collection of materials will be available for all partners:

– interactive tests on Kahoot platform;
-school materials for tablets implementation into classrooms;
– a collection of scientific articles presented by external specialists in education,
-scientific article on the benefit of Etwinning platform on teachers works,
– Samples of didactic materials with examples from regional community,
– enriching students personal portfolio,
– new lessons scenario respecting project topic, lesson on local history, field-trip documentation, leaflets on regional cultural heritage, popular songs collection;
-leaflets with popular motifs explanations; leaflets with the presentation of popular costumes.

Partner schools:

  • Școala Gimnazială ”Avram Iancu”Dej, Romania
  • ”XXVII Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im”– Lublin, Poland,
  • Bagcilar Mustafa Kemal Ortaokulu– Istanbul, Turkey,
  • Ozel Mersin Ugur Ortaokulu – Mersin, Turkey,
  • Istituto Comprensivo Salvatore Casella-Pedara, Italy
  • 15 High school „Adam Mitskevich”, Sofia, Bulgary

The project  “Developing inter and trans curricular skills for 21-st century” reunites partners from Poland, Italy, Greece, Spain and Turkey.

Project’s aim is to create an European context that enables trans and inter-curricular teaching that reduces the gap between theoretical training and daily experiences. During project years teachers will became familiar with the latest techniques in trans and inter curricular teaching, will implement new teaching materials and also will implement an educational context for pupils designed to facilitate this type of learning (scientific conferences, contests, theatrical festivals).

International partnerships are conceived to blend countries diverse educational politics. According to European laws every country has the right to propose its own educational strategy. European Commission has the task to support national efforts by encouraging good practice exchanges and by cooperating with decisional factors from every country.

Erasmus + program is a powerful tool that encourage and facilitate schools cooperation and educational exchanges that leads to the development and improvement of education standards.

In order to obtain harmonious results from the politics they promote, the decision factors from countries involved agreed to define the main field that education politics should interact to.

The priority will be on key competences, high standards, accessibility, the equality of chances, and the improvement of teaching techniques by training services for teachers.

This schools’ partnership is a small but important page from European Commission’s decision regarding educational politics. Starting from schools’ common concern of improving educational techniques the partnership aims to improve pupils basic skills by promoting trans and inter  curricular teaching.

Partner  schools:

Here is a short movie containing moments from project first meeting: C1” Interactive learning starts from my community”. You can also see the movie on youtube by following this link: 


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