Main features

Our school was built in 1981. It is located in Almería city (in the south coast of Spain),  in the middle of 3 districts which provide it with their students. CEIP San Luis is a national school and it belongs to Junta de Andalucia. In our school, we offer the 2nd Cycle of Infant Education (a kind of Pre-Primary Education) and all the Primary Education levels; in other words, there are students between 3 and 12 years old. There are 6 classes of Pre-Primary Education, 14 Primary Education classes and in addition to that, there is 1 Autistic Spectrum Class and 1 Special Education Class. Regarding teaching staff, we are 32 teachers.


Our students come from the surrounding area of the school. there are big differences between students because of their economical and cultural level. Some students come from higher socio-cultural families whereas others even have some kind of social and economical difficulties. To sum up, we have a very heterogeneous group of students but, this is not a problem for us. In fact, we consider it as a strong point because we can exploit linguistic and cultural exchange between students, teachers and families. We also work important values such as tolerance, respect, solidarity, equality, justice and skills such as empathy. There are around 500 students in our school; approximately 150 of them are in Pre-Primary level, 330 in Primary Education and the rest of students are in Autistic Spectrum Class and Special Education Class.

Academic Results

At an internal level, we have a high number of passing students, above 90%. At an external level, last year, in a regional test, we had good ranking, slightly higher marks than the average in the region. Linguistic Competence: 514 points (average 500 points), Maths: 537 points (av. 500 points).

  • 6 teachers
  • 1 teacher to help children with difficulties.
  • 14 teachers
  • 1 teacher to help children with difficulties

3 teachers in terapeutic pedagogic, 1 teachers especialista en Audición y Lenguaje, 2 English teacher, 3 bilingual teachers, 1 teachers in physical education, 1  music teachers, 1 Catolic Education Teacher, 1 teacher of ATAL to teach Spanish Vocabulary to children from Morrocco, 1 psychopedagogic.

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