Istituto Comprensivo Salvatore Casella, Pedara, Italy

Istituto Comprensivo Salvatore Casella, Pedara, Italy

Pedara city gave to the School five buildings, equal distributed in the territory, to give a good services to the local family.


Salvatore Casella is divided in kindergarten (scuola dell’infanzia), primary school (scuola primaria or scuola elementare), lower secondary school (scuola secondaria di primo grado or scuola media). The main building accommodates lower secondary school and school’s  administrative offices, including Director one.

Pupils study: Italian literature and grammar, Math, Science.


Pedara is situated at 674 meters elevation above the sea level. Pedara is a small city in Italy, having about 13.000 inhabitants but in the last years it has been improving constantly. Pedara is situated in  the bottom  of the Volcano’s Etna, near other little towns. It  is distant 10 KM to Catania, a big city in East Sicily.

Pedara was an agriculture town but in the last years It has changed its social and economic profile, becoming a tourist place because of the mountain’s nearby. The school pupils are mainly local children but there is a little group of Romanian pupils.


During the lessons such as Italian, Mathematics, Foreign languages (English, French or Spanish), Science and Technology, History, Geography, Technology and Design, we adopt  different approaches: Student-centered, Training interaction, Global approach (inter-disciplinary approach).

Student learn individually at his/her own pace by using a guided program, built on a set of objectives and learning aims, previously designed by the teacher.

Module learning. It may be considered as a type of programmed learning as it consists of a set of modules, created as individual and final units though integrating a whole course.

Teaching staff guide and plan students’ work, through the learning process and/or in specific tasks and objectives

At the same time, student is directly responsible of his/her learning, though learning goals might initially be agreed with the teacher in a learning contract. Students identify a certain problem, they formulate it, develop the specific procedures to dealt with it, interpret the results and draw relevant conclusions. In this format, a greater preparation on the part of the students is expected.

Teachers play the leading role in the learning process, where they transmit a certain knowledge, usually in oral form and at the same time for all students in class. It is frequently adopted when there are many students in class and/or when introducing a certain topic.

However, students are expected to suggest interpretations and solutions. Information is not fully provided by the teacher at the beginning, so s/he acts as an informant answering students’ questions and doubts. The class is divided into groups to analyze and dealt with a given topic and/or task. Students work in small/medium-sized groups in order to deal with a topic of interest. They study and analyze the topic, using direct documentation resources. A student of an advanced level works as a tutor with another student, under the supervision of the teacher. Students work in small groups, and the teacher distributes an action plan describing tasks to be developed.

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