Zespol Szkol nr 10 in Lublin is a team of two schools: lower secondary school Gimnazjum nr 8 im. Grazyny Chrostowskiej in Lublin and secondary comprehensive school XXVII Liceum Ogolnoksztalcące.
Both schools are attended by 280 students from the age of 13 to the age of 19. The school attracts pupils both from the city and the neighbouring communities contributing to its local and regional diversity. The school has agreements with the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and IT technology by UMCS (University of Lublin ) to host teacher training candidates. Students of Zespol Szkol nr 10 in Lublin can also
regularly attend lectures and workshops at the University. We have got also close cooperation with the Institute of Chemistry. Both our school and the institute organise annual competition for all schools from our city.
The school’s vision is to be an innovative hub for research with special focus on sustainable development. The involved teachers have long experience in classroom leadership and interaction with students. They teach mathematics, IT, science and English. They were involved in international projects.
Our school has a very active and functioning student organization body that plays a very important role in school’s daily activities. They have organized buddy project and help each other with homework. They attend after school classes and they take place in different competitions and projects. They love working on international projects with students from all over Europe.