Online scientific magazine created during the partnersip: ”Developing educational techniques starting from regional context”. Project number: 2019-1-RO01-KA201-063189. The magazine is our partner’s way to stay in contact, to cooperate and to exchange good practice ideas.
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New teaching concepts and class working materials developed starting from key competences of students
By Małgorzata Wrona English teacher in XXVII LO im. Zesłańców Sybiru in Lublin
“InnovaMenti” project
This school year 2021-2022, some classes of S. Casella secondary school joined the “InnovaMenti” project, a national initiative for innovative teaching methodologies.
By Graziella Moschetto, ICS Salvatore Casella, Pedara, Italy
Places without which Dej wouldn’t be Dej- Let’s travel
An optional class offers the teacher the possibility of completing the students’ knowledge. For each teacher presenting and implementing an optional class is a real challenge through which they can show their professional experience because they have to pass this challenge successfully.
Laura Cimpean, teacher at Avram Iancu Secondary School, Dej, Romania
Digital instruments applied into didactic process
As we do not have a medicine for all illness, we do not have a didactic instrument for every teaching issue. Such instruments don’t exclude other solutions for various challenges. However, the digitalization process means transforming methods and techniques of teaching and giving a new dimension to the curriculum, according to the technology dynamic.
Diana Rafa, teacher at ”Artam Iancu” Secondary School, Dej, Romania
New Teaching Concepts and Class Working Materials Developed Starting from Key Competences on School Students
Teaching is the activity of guiding in the realization of the changes in the knowledge and behavior of the individual. There are some points that teachers should pay attention to while guiding the realization of learning that is while carrying out the teaching work. These principles reveal how teaching should take place.
Ozge Yoruk, teacher at Mustafa Kemal Ortaokulu, Bagcilar, Istanbul, Turkey
New teaching concepts and class working materials developed
starting from key competences of students
In the older teaching approach, which is called traditional teaching, a teacher-oriented process was followed, on the other hand, individual differences in learning were ignored. As a result of this understanding, a teacher-centered education system called traditional education, in which the student’s brain power is used in a limited way, based on rote learning rather than productivity, and taking into account individual differences to a limited extent, has been implemented.
By English teacher Raşit KURŞUN AND Art Teacher Ahmet Berat KARANFİL
Why is it important to consider disciplines in science teaching?
Duygu TAYLAN-Chemistry Teacher at Ozel Mersin UgurOkulları
The interdisciplinary approach, which offers a view that integrates two or more disciplines
with coherent connections, finds its place in education to support students in establishing
relevant connections and meaningful relationships.
Post Covid-19 school’s education and school’s projects,
Livia Pop, headmaster ”Avram Iancu” Gymnasium, Romania
The Effects of Covid-19 On Us both in Good and Bad Ways,
By Raşit KURŞUN, Karin TUMEN, Mehmet Gullu,
Ozel Mersin Ugur Ortaokulu, Turkey
From slime tutorials to thought-provoking documentaries:
How to implement student-produced video projects in five simple steps
Armanda Stroia, teacher to “Avram Iancu” Gymnasium, Dej, Romania
Transdisciplinary approaches starting from specific Biology class content
Cristina Dascalu,deputy headmaster and teacher at Avram Iancu Gymnasium
Didactic scenery on: About respect and about being disrespectful
Alina Tămaș- teacher for primary to Avram Iancu Gymnasium
Steven-the Prince Saint Monastery, the teacher’s and guarding oaks support
Adina Silasi, ortodox religion teacher to Avram Iancu School, Romania
Lesson for first grade students, created by Dalia Muresan, teacher to Avram Iancu Gymnasium, Dej, Romania
Farmer for a day
The project informed the students about the importance of consuming milk and other dairy products. We brought the students closer to how the milk is produced by visiting the goat farm from the Valea Morii Village.
Coordinatin teacgers: Cristina Dascălu and Dalia Sorina Mureșan teachers to Avram Iancu Gymnasium, Dej, Romania
Reduce, reuse, recycle materials-promotion trough practic activities
Erdei Ancuţa, teacher at ”Avram Iancu” Secondary School, Romania
Wordl’s waist reduction may be possible if people are educated to manifest pozitive behaviour towards environment starting from young ages.
The content into partners’ national languages:
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