Teaching resources for trans curricular method

Teaching resources for trans curricular method

Lessons scenarios

  • Erasmus+ travel– Target groups: school groups in the sixth grade ; Subject: geography; Topic: Physical-Geographical particularities of partner countries in Erasmus + project; Lesson’s argument: authentic learning and understanding assumes rational knowledge and affective involvement. By Pop Livia
  • Developing geographical thinking through activities which form an eco-civic behaviour ;Authors: Herineanu Daniela-Technical Education teacher at “Avram Iancu”School from Dej; Dascalu Cristina-Biology teacher at “Avram Iancu” School from Dej
  • “FROM EAST TO AMERICA: A JOURNEY OF DISCOVERY” The project develops the central theme of the comparison between Western culture and society and the “other” cultures, with which a Catholic Europe has come into contact in the course of history.This approach has been planned to develop certain skills and is different to the traditional way of sharing content: it happens through Educational Robotics.( by Conti Giovanna, ICS “Salvatore Casella”, Pedara, Italy)
  • ”The two brothers Muresul and Oltul; Unit: Romania’s grograpgy; by Lador Iulia and Salatioan Mihaela; structured scenary;  Description: The scenario proposes a trans-curricular approach of contents in order to develop pupils spatial thinking. The thematic introduces pupils into spatial orientation starting from a literary text: the legend of Olt and Mures.
  • Making polygons with scribbler-The use of Scribbler has enabled our students to study geometry from a different perspective: they experiment, they try and  they programme until the desired shape is produced. (by Angela Scali, teacher to ICS “Salvatore Casella”, Pedara, Italy)
  •  The Saint Emperors Constantin and his mother Elena; lesson type: knowledge aquzition; aim: the understanding of Milano Edict 313 into Christians life, cultivating a positive attitude towards The Saint Emperors and following their example (by Adina Silasi- religion teacher)
  • “The sea” During mathematics and environment exploration classes, primary pupils find knowledge about their live environments but also other environments with their life forms; Pupils competences after this lesson: the investigation of a natural or artificial environment to identify flora, fauna, life conditions and adaptations to environment.(by Aida Galu, teacher for primary)
  • TREAUSURE HUNT IN VOLOS OR HOW TO LEARN BY PLAYNGThe treasure hunt was taking place in the school building. There were six stations named after the names of the countries that participate in our program(Poland, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Romania, Greece)…( By Sophia Argyraki from 5TH LYCEUM OF VOLOS, Greece)
  • Robotics workshop-robotic initiation sustained in CEIP San Luis , Almeria by international team of teachers and students with the cooperation of HABILITAS EDUCATION Center lectors.
  • Pictures from scenarios annexes:

Integrating  curriculum

  • The integrative subject “Mathematics in contemporary context” was created to blend lower secondary math contents with ICT tools. After classes completion pupils will be able to operate with different forms of graphic representation of databases and to apply statistics using ICT tools. (by Diana Rafa)

Other resources:

  • Water-energy saving questionnaire– by Eleni Papanikolaou, 5TH LYCEUM OF VOLOS, Greece
  • Trans curricular items with mathematics specific by Monica Izgarian from “Avram Iancu” Gymnasium, Dej, Romania
  • Report regarding the activities of the team of Zagnansk for the meeting in Lublin (organizing logo competition and finding ways to present local community into the meeting)
  • The visibility materials proposed by Zespoł Szkoły Podstawowej nr 2 i Przedszkola w Zagnańsku’ students for the competition in Lublin.
  • The visibility materials from the Romanian team, symbols explanation, arguments and debates.
  • The logo proposed by the team from Bagcilar Mustafa Kemal Ortaokulu, Istanbul, Turkey (third place into logo section of the competition)
  • The winner of the competition, the logo proposed by the team of students from 5TH LYCEUM OF VOLOS, Greece.
  •  The winning concept for posters layout proposed by the team from Zeytinlibahce Mesleki ve Teknik, Mersin, Turkey.
  • The winning concept for leaflets layout proposed by the team from ”Avram Iancu”Gymnazium, Dej, Romania
  • The logo proposed by the team of Zespol Szkol nr 10 wLublinie, Poland ( the concept was used as a cover for project final products)

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