On line learning platform
This content was created during the project: ”Developing educational techniques starting from regional context 2019-1-RO01-KA201-063189”, durring 2019-2022.
All educational systems and all educational politics have as a common base, the lesson sustained by trained teachers on diferent subjects towards ages homogenus study groups known as school grades. This simple aspect lead us to the conclusion that in order to accomplish an efficient transformation, we must act at lesson level.
This lessons collection has a large range variety of methods, focussed on flexibility and adaptation, using an alternation between didactic methods with accent on active participation next to a reach collection of teaching means or didactic instruments. The contents we propose are meant to reconfirm students’ right to learn by active participation and the modern orientation of didactic strategies in partner schools.
- 1. The circle as a challenge and an inspiration resource– lesson for 7 grade students.
- Contents involved: the geometric shape of circle, the radius, the diameter, the circomference.
Diana Rafa, teacher at Avram Iancu Secondary School, Dej, Romania

2. Lesson scenario Similar triangles – practic aspects
Monica Izgărian, teacher at ”Avram Iancu” Secondary School, Dej, Romania
At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to: – recognize similar triangles; – use the fundamental theorem of similarity, Thales converse theorem, triangles similarity cases, formula corresponding to the ratio of the surfaces of similar triangles; – calculate dimensions and surfaces using triangles’ similarity.

- 3. The convex cadrilators arround us– lesson for 7 grade students.
Contents involved: the area surface of the paralelogram, the rectangle, the square, the circle, the rombus and the trapezoid.
Diana Rafa, teacher to Avram Iancu Secondary School

- 4. The percentages:
Content for six grade students and seven grades students involving how to calculate the percentage of one number from another number, how to calculate a percentage from a number, how to calculate the number when you know a percentage from it.
Diana Rafa, teacher at Avram Iancu Secondary School

A small material that shows the importance of the percentages into practical situations.
- 5. Arithmetic methodes to solve problems- lesson for 5 grade students.
Contents involved: unit reduction method, comparison method, graphic method and false assumption method applied in tasks involving Ocna-Dej Salt Mine activity.
By Diana Rafa, teacher at Avram Iancu Secondary School, Romania

Optical phenomena
A physics lesson for eight grade students, proposed by Adriana Pop from ”Avram Iancu” Secondary School, Dej, Romania.

6. A History lesson proposed by 15 High School”Adam Mitskevich” for students from V and VI grade. Material created by Daniela Paruseva, teacher at lower secondary level.
The Bulgarian state and the capital city of Bulgaria

7. Cities and towns
A lesson that exploit local specific applied into grammar, English language and communication, created by Yulia Shivacheva, teacher form 15 High school „ Adam Mitskevich“ ,Sofia for students from VII and VIII grade.

8. Sofia, my city
A mathematic lesson for fifth grade students. The content regards rational number operations on tasks with numerical character, starting from details about the city of Sofia.
Created by: Miglena Vatkova, Maths teacher at 15-th HIGH SCHOOL, “ADAM MITSKEVICH”, SOFIA, BULGARIA

9. Geography lesson
for 5/6 grade students
A lesson on Bulgaria’s relief, human settelment and hidrography, proposed by Sofia Nikolova, geography teacher at
15. High School, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Natural science lesson for 10 years old students:
10. Nature and animals
The lesson starts form the highest mountain in Bulgaria, located near the city of Sofia.Students have the chance to speack about endemic plants and about fauna coresponding to this ecosystem.
Material created by Daniela Paruseva, teacher at lower secondary level.

11. A lesson for personal development in primary schools. The material was designed for second grade students dy Dalia Mureșan, teacher at ”Avram Iancu” Secondary School, Dej Romania.

12. Maternal language communication lesson for first grade students. Material created by Mihaela Sălătioan, teacher for primary education at Avram Iancu Lower Secondary School, Dej, Romania.
Learning the alphabet, consolidating the letters î and â.

13. Math lesson for 4-th grade students:
Fractions adition and substraction
Material created by Ancuța Erdei, teacher for primary education at Avram Iancu Secondary School, Romania

14. English vocabulary lesson for students from V and VI grade, created by Armanda Stroia, teacher at Avram Iancu Secondary School, Dej Romania:
Happiness stairway,
The train of emotions,
Other working materials for III and IV grade students:
My happy apphabet
My top resolution for 2022

15. “Why are plants green?” Short description:
This is a didactic scenario I designed around a student-produced video Show your favourite experiment! Learners predict the topic of the video based on some screenshots, watch the video, fill in a video observation worksheet based on a media and language checklist, turn into language detectives to identify language structures related to explaining and presenting experiments, write comments and hashtags after watching the video, engage in a critical reading activity, write a short catchy video introduction, discuss the importance of a storyboard before filming, rewrite the storyboard. Finally, they reflect on the lesson and are encouraged to create their own video to show and explain their favourite experiment.
created by Armanda Stroia, teacher at Avram Iancu Secondary School, Dej Romania
16. Leson for VI grade students about buildings’ functionality, structural type and urbanistic concepts on technologies.
Urbanistic view on buildings
-proposed by Daniela Herineanu, technology teacher at Avram Iancu Gymnasium, Dej, Romania

17. Lesson scenario: Romanian medieval rulers on Dej’s surrounding lands
Adina Silasi, teacher at “Avram Iancu” Secondary School
General Key competences:
CG1. Using specific concepts to orthodox religion, connected with different faith manifestation;
Specific competences:
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
C1: Identify historic personalities (medieval rulers) with important contribution to national identity and cultural heritage in Dej region;
C2: Describe historic events, orthodox places of worship and other historic and religious objectives;
C3: To formulate moral achievements from this lesson;
C4: To make an audition and to learn a patriotic song using music knowledge;
17. Let’s be generous!
III-rd grade lesson on civic education
Leson aim:
Obtaining progress on moral judgement, improving positive behaviours, reaching personal development trough interpersonal connections, lerarning to learn skills.
Lesson created by Anca Repede, teacher for primary education at Avram Iancu Secondary School, Dej Romania
Learning outcomes: Students will be able to express quantities and use them in their daily lives.
Students will be asked to say the quantity of things around them in the classroom.
SANİYE PEKER – English Teacher at Özel Merisn Uğur OkulLarı

The Guardian announced in 2008 that a new acheologic site stunned the achaeologists. Göbeklitepe, which also affected the history of religions, is the first known center of worship.

20. My money
Mathematics lesson on: natural numbers
OUTCOMES: Solves and sets up problems that require operations with natural numbers
INTERMEDIATE DISCIPLINE: Developing Career Awareness
GAINS: Identifies appropriate goals that require spending money; he spends his money appropriately by prioritizing
TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS involves HISTORY OF MONEY Exchange; precious metals; banknotes.
Lesson proposed by ………..teacher at Özel Merisn Uğur OkulLarı
21. Macro registering and running macros in the spreadsheet.
Lesson’s goals: systematising the main concepts concerning the basics of working with macros in a spreadsheet, practising the skill of creating a new macro, assigning it to the keyboard and recording it.
Lesson for high school, grade 3 students, created by Anna Jezierska, technology teacher

22. Computer parameters
Lesson destined to students from the first hogh-school grade, proposed by Anna Jezierska, computer sciences teacher to 27 Siberian Exiles High School in Lublin, Poland.
Aims of the lesson: reminder and discussion of the elements of the basic computer set; systematization of information regarding the purpose and parameters of individual components in computers and external devices

23. We are planning our vacation
Subject: English, Class: First, High school
General objective: Testing the ability to obtain and provide information and negotiate in typical situations.
Specific objectives:
- The student knows simple lexical and grammatical structures that enable the formulation of statements on specific topics
- The student is able to communicate in situations related to tourism, geography and culture of English-speaking countries
- The student demonstrates the ability to react linguistically using various forms of simple oral statements
- The student knows the rules of constructing short forms of written expression (postcard, e-mail, blog)
- The student is able to define the situational context of the listened text
- The student demonstrates the ability to determine whether the heard text contains certain information
By Małgorzata Wrona English teacher at XXVII LO im. Zesłańców Sybiru in Lublin

24. German voccabulary lesson: Unser Schulalltag
General objective: – revision of the information on the Unser Schulalltag section
Detailed objectives – Student: • knows the names of school subjects;
• knows the names of school supplies;
• knows the colors;
• they know the rules for creating compound nouns;• knows the rules of using the negative kein / e,
• knows the rules of creating the accusative in German,
• knows the conjugation of the verb mögen and finden.
By Elżbieta Ciesielska teacher in XXVII LO im. Zesłańców Sybiru in Lublin

25. Lesson scenario
Theme: Leben in der Stadt – life in the city.
General goals:
– developing correct writing skills;
– developing the ability to correctly formulate oral statements;
– developing the ability to work independently;
– developing work skills in the classroom;
– training the ability to work in groups.
By Elżbieta Ciesielska teacher at XXVII LO im. Zesłańców Sybiru in Lublin

26. Circulatory system anatomy, the heart
Biology lesson for six grade students proposed by Cristina Dascălu, teacher at ”Avram Iancu” Gymnasium, Dej, Romania. The lesson involves many educational application conceived on learningapps, worldwall, and jigsawplanet.

27. The forest
Biology lesson for five grade students, created by Cristina Dascălu, teacher at Avram Iancu Secondary School, Dej, Romania. The forest is one of the most important terestrial ecosystem. Let’s learn about it!

28. Theatrical Pieces. The art of theatric performances
Lesson for Romanian language and communication, for eight grade students, created by Nicoleta Varga, teacher at Avram Iancu Secondary School, Dej, Romania.

29. LESSON SCENARIO: The dramatic text. Textual structures
Specific competences:
1.2 the documented presentation of a theme, by quoting the information sources, within an argumentative text of different type of texts (descriptive/ explanatory text);
2.2 the comparation of least two texts regarding theme, ideas and structure;
Operational objectives:
- to define dramatic text;
- to name the particularities of dramatic text;
- to identify the particularities of dramatic text;
Teacher: Lador Iulia

30. Wonder by R.J. Palacio / Chose to be good!
Maternal language and communication proposed by Nicoleta Varga, maternal language and communication teacher at “Avram Iancu” Secondary School, Dej, Romania.
Cultural expresion is a key competence that every one of us must permanently develop. The interest on culture, the thirst for knowledge, the ability to desciphre moral values, personal values and cultural values, we must cultivate on our children during early school years.

31. Places without which Dej wouldn`t be Dej
For this school year, at the 6th grade I chose the optional class Let’s travel. I asked myself how well do they know their city. Starting from this question I challenged my students to ‘travel’ through Dej and speak about places without which Dej wouldn’t be Dej.
Material proposed by Laura Campean, English teacher at Avram Iancu Secondary School, Dej Romania.

32. Lesson scenario ”Improving speed, learning ball guidance”
Physical education teacher, Adrian Baciu
”Avram Iancu” Secondary School, Dej, Romania
Lesson’s thematic:
- first thematic: the speed,
Objective: Improving execution speed and movement on short distances speed.
- second thematic: guiding the ball,
Objective: consolidating ball guidance by foot with accent on ball control according to field obstacles.

33. English lesson for eight grade students
By the end of the course, students will learn the unknown words which are used in the reading passage, Witches’ Loaves.
The students will be able to: use the words that are taught with the help of activities in their daily life; to pronounce the words correctly.
By Özge Yörük, teacher at Bagcilar Mustafa Kemal Ortaokulu, Istanbul, Turcia

34. English lesson for 11-12 years old students
Skill focus: Teaching vocabulary with the help of the poem, Two Funny Little Red Apples.
Learner Outcomes By the end of the lesson students should be able to know the meanings of some adjectives such as funny, cold, kind, pretty, clean; to describe the pictures and match them with the phrases; to reorder sentences in accordance with the poem.
By Özge Yörük, teacher at Bagcilar Mustafa Kemal Ortaokulu, Istanbul, Turcia

35. English lesson for young learners, elementary level
By the end of the course, students can make comparison between two things such as people, animals and objects.
The students will be able to: use the comparative forms of adjectives (regular), to make comparative sentences, to say differences between two items by using comparatives.
By Özge Yörük, teacher at Bagcilar Mustafa Kemal Ortaokulu, Istanbul, Turcia

36. English lesson on reading skills for 14/15 years old students
Skill Focus: Reading and Speaking
Language Focus: Simple Present Tense, Comperatives and Superlatives, Model Verb, can, Passive Voice.
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: recall the structures, learn new vocabularies, equator, uproot, label, mudslide, make sentences by using the structures while speaking,
By Özge Yörük, teacher at Bagcilar Mustafa Kemal Ortaokulu, Istanbul, Turcia

37. English lesson for young learners, 5/6 years old
AIMS: to teach students new words and their pronunciations, to provide students respond physically, to get students involved in lesson, to found an enjoyable atmosphere for students, to improve their oral skills.
ACTIVITIES: teaching new action verbs by using flashcards, practicing them, (students will repeat the new words and do these actions.), listening and watching a video, (Walking Walking), singing Walking Walking song by doing appropriate movements.
By Özge Yörük, teacher at Bagcilar Mustafa Kemal Ortaokulu, Istanbul,

38. English lesson on hobies and interest, destined for 12 years old students
Learners will be able to: express their likes and dislikes, understand the diffrences among them in terms of degree, make production about their hobbies and interests using like and dislike pattern.
AIMS: the aim of this lesson is to teach asking for and expressing students’ likes and dislikes; the aim of activity 1 is to improve student’s comprehension of reading for the gist and find some specific information about this unit.
By Özge Yörük, teacher at Bagcilar Mustafa Kemal Ortaokulu, Istanbul

39. Reading lesson on Earth Science “Pangaea” text for 11/12 years old students
Overall Objectives: students will gain authentic information through the text, students will become aware of their reading and speaking abilities, students will learn reading for general and specific information about the topic, students wil develop their speaking ability by talking with their partners.
Behavioral Objectives Students will: discuss and share their ideas about the reading passages, Pangaea, fill in the blanks with the correct answer, answer the questions about comprehension, make sentences using words which is thought as unknown ones.
By Özge Yörük, teacher at Bagcilar Mustafa Kemal Ortaokulu, Istanbul

40. Cristopher Columbus
A corss-curricular lesson, involving history and geography, about the personality of Columbus, famous navigator, born in Genoa.
Lesson proposed by prof. Martina Asero, ICS ”Salvatore Casella”, Pedara, Italy

41. The pyramid
A lesson on Geometry, explaining the elements of a pyramid, giving examples of regural and iregular pyramids, calculating pyramid elements with specific formulas. The original material was created wit Pear Deck extention for google slides.
Teacher: Maria Stella Bolignano
School: I.C.S. “S. Casella” Pedara, Italy

42. Lesson Scenario: Let’s investigate on pH
by Maria Stella Bolignano, science teacher
Students show interest in the topic related to chemistry through curiosity and expression of wonderings. They also demonstrate engagement by expressing ideas, sharing observations, and creating initial models.
Once students have constructed explanations of a phenomenon, it is important to involve them in further experiences that apply, extend, the concepts or processes, they are learning. Elaborate activities provide time for students to apply their understanding of concepts and skills.

43. The wonder of Etna
A lesson on science, explaining spectacular aspects of mount Etna. You will find new things about Europe’s largest active volcano, you will develop voccabulary skills on the structure of the volcano, about it’s four craters and about the biggest erruptions mentioned in local and central press.
Lesson proposed by Grazziela Moschetto, I.C.S “S. Casella”, Pedara, Italy

44. Lesson scenario: „Natural Systems and human-nature relations”
Lesson type: knowledge consolidation;
Teacher: Yeliz SAHIN– teacher for SECONDARY SCHOOL, “Ozel Mersin Ugur Okullari” Mersin/TURKIYE
Lesson description:
During the lesson implementation, 9th grade students perceieve how the systems work in nature in harmony ,their relations with humans and they worked in pairs to work out the reasons why these miraculous systems work without any fails.
Key words: nature,systems,disasters,eco,soil,water,seasons, photosynthesis
45. Didactic scenario ,, The water”
Teacher for primary education : Galu Aida, ”Avram Iancu” Secondary School, Dej, Romania
This lesson was conceived for second grade students, at environment exploration and mathematics subject.
Lesson argument:
Lesson’s added value consist in addopting an integrated vision of pedagigical approaches, involving digital instruments for the developement of today’s students and tommorow’s adults of European space and for beeing competitive into digital era.
The lesson contains various methods and techniques of e-learning in order to obtain more attractive and creative lessons aiming to improve students’ involvement and motivation.
46. Lesson scenario: Problems that may be solved with the four basic operations
Frentiu Irina Dorina, “Avram Iancu” Secondary School, Dej, Romania
General competences:
- Calculating vith natural numbers;
- Solving problems regarding familiar situations;
Specific competences:
-making additions and substractions with numbers from 0 to 1 000 000 and with fractions;
– making multiplications with numbers from 1 to 1 000 000 when the second factor has maximum three figures;
-dividing numbers from 0 to 1 000 000 to one or two figures numbers;
-the implementation of specific therms and symboll in solving or conceiving problems with various methods;
-solving problems with the four basic operations using numbers from 0 to 1 000 000.
47. An interesting approach for first grade students proposed by Liliana Astalâș from Avram Iancu Secondary School, Dej, Romania. Working on learning unit ”Stories from the wood”, the teacher propose an original approach involving communication skills, math and sciences, arts and practic abillities. The integrated lesson is called ”In the world of Bambi”.
The lesson was applied on March 2020 and it our project resource sample.
48. ”The family”– Lesson scenario for students in Preparatory Class,
Proposed by Liliana Astalâș – teacher for primary education at Avram Iancu secondary school.
The lesson has an integrative approach, involving subjects such as: personal development, oral communication, visual arts and practical abilities, music and movement.
49. ”Natural numbers between 1 and 31. The calendar”
Lesson scenario for students in Preparatory grade, proposed by Adina Teodora Szolosi, teacher for primary at Avram Iancu Secondary School.
The lesson concerns integrated skills involving Math and environment exploration, communication and personal development.
Material created during 2022-2023 school year.
50. The rithm in plastic compozitions
Art lesson for VI-th grade students, created by Eleonra Bodea-Ban, teacher to Avram Iancu Secondary School.
A lesson about artistic means to create emotions, and to increase expresivity.

51. An integrated lesson for first grade students on ladybugs, proposed by Adina Teodora Szolosi, teacher for primary education.
Lesson title: Insects- the ladybug