The conference is destined bought for pupils and teachers works and points of view. For the first edition in May 2018 the materials debate the following themes:
- theoretical aspects and challenges regarding this type of teaching,
- good practice examples from teachers experiences in trans curricular teaching
- publication destined for trans and inter curricular works.
- Pupils section will allow materials developed in trans and inter curricular subjects: projects, portfolios, documented experiments .
Project general objectives for this event:
1) To create a context for regional and international cooperation regarding trans and inter curricular teaching for partners involved
Operational objectives:
1) to create general description for multiplier events on this topic,
2) to establish events the calendar and methodology that will maintain this event during five more years after project completion
3) to find ways to involve pupils in multiplier events
4) to bring in public attention the benefits of trans and inter curricular teaching
5) to expand project’s idea and materials to a large public from this field
This event is the base of project’s multiplier events where project’s results will be promoted and developed. All attending schools and will maintain this conference’s sections, name and structure for the following years and all attending schools will develop a common material.
Materials presented in Almeria meeting, may 2018, hosted by CEIP San Luis:
- Non-conventional learning events in “Avram Iancu” Gymnasim, Dej, Romania (written by Madalina Rafa, student)
- The versatility of non formal education in Turkish and European schools, ( written by Rasit Kursun, teacher to Zeytinlibahce Mesleki ve Teknik, Turkey)
- Teaching with non formal attitude, good practice examples ( written by Melahat Erten, student to Zeytinlibahce Mesleki ve Teknik, Turkey)
- JIGSAW PUZZLE a didactical implementation for teaching– Like in board game Jigsaw Puzzle, in this method each student
at first studies and then teaches his classmates the part of the subject section he had to study. Material proposed by Argyraki Sofia, language and history teacher to 5TH LYCEUM OF VOLOS, Greece
- Theoretical aspects and challenges regarding this type of teaching, good practice examples trans-curricular
teaching, publication destined for trans a inter curricular works, point of view about this work(Spanish version)- Ana Guzman, teacher to CEIP San Luis, Almeria, Spain
- Innovative approaches to teaching and learning ( An overview of concepts and ideas, Implementing non-conventional, interdisciplinary approach in Zespół Szkoły Podstawowej nr 2 i Przedszkola w Zagnańsku, Poland ) -Aleksandra Zagórska, Zespół Szkoły Podstawowej nr 2 w Zagnańsku
- Innovative approaches to teaching and learning– presentation link by PREZI
- EDUCATIONAL ROBOTICS: A PRACTICAL TEACHING APPROACH– This approach represents the most significant example of the use of non-conventional teaching methods and leads to learn through discovery because the student is forced to problem solve in order to access the content.( by Giovanna Conti and Angela Cali, ICS “Salvatore Casella”, Pedara, Italy)
- Non conventional learning events in ICS “Salvatore Casella”, Pedara, Italy by Giovanna Conti and Angela Cali