Jurnalul proiectelor din Acreditarea Erasmus+ cu numărul: 2022-1-RO01-KA120-SCH-000109486
Proiectul de mobilitate: 2023-1-RO01-KA121-SCH-000129095

Articole sub forma coleției de impresii, în urma participării elevilor Școlii Gimnazale ”Avram Iancu”, la o mobilitate de grup în Lublin, Polonia.
Liceul XXVII, al exilului siberian, din Lublin este partenerul școlii noastre încă din anul 2016. De-a lungul timpului, elevii din ambele școli au participat la activități comune de învățare, au stabilit punți de comunicare și frumoase legături de prietenie.
Pentru generația de gimnaziu de acum, de la ”Avram Iancu”, vizita în valoroasa școală poloneză a însemnat o șansă de a participa la cursuri, de a vedea locuri încărcate de istorie și de a descoperi oportunități pentru viitoare cariere profesionale.
Liceul din Lublin are specializări în domeniul militar, al securității publice și al protecției civile. Cu toate acestea, în cadrul liceului activează și clase de gimnaziu, și clase de învățământ primar.

Articole sub forma coleției de impresii, în urma participării profesorilor Școlii Gimnazale ”Avram Iancu”, la mobilități de formare profesională.
Dezvoltarea profesională a cadrelor didactice este o preocupare permanentă pentru orice instituție de învățământ. În fiecare județ există instituții abilitate, care furnizează programe de formare pentru profesori. Pe lângă acestea, odată cu evoluția instumetelor de conectare online, organizații abilitate oferă programe de formare la nivel național.
Programul Erasmus+ oferă posibilitatea formării profesionale prin participarea la stagii în străinătate. Astfel de acțiuni aduc laolaltă dascăli din diverse țări și permit schimburi dinamice de idei și concepte pedagogice.
Colecția de impresii reunită în volumul al II-lea al jurnalului proiectului expune analizei cititorului, contactul colegilor noștri cu sisteme de învățământ din alte țări și descrie programe de formare oferite de instituții de renume în domeniu.
Project journal, "Developing educational techniques starting from regional context" 2019-1-RO01-KA201-063189

Our project journal was edited with the aim of making students ant teachers aware of the educational content of our project.
Project team decided to issue a volume of project journal after every learning/teaching training activity.
Every volume’s pages are a syntesis of students and teachers thougts, transmiting the feelings, emotions and educational contents.

” I can say that ERASMUS + is more than a project and the chance to go and see new places is about humanity, friendship, and the desire to know. The program helped me notice that even though we are different, we are all the same.”
Alexandru Apan, 8 grade students, “Avram Iancu” Secondary School

From the balcony of the guest house we stayed in, we watched the eruption of the legendary volcano. Light show raised to the sky, amazement and feelings which I had never thought I would ever experience ended this learning experience, a life experience offered us by Erasmus+. Thank you, Erasmus!
Nicoleta Varga, deputy headmaster at “Avram Iancu” Secondary School, Dej, Romania

Two weeks ago, I was in Bulgaria. The weather there was really nice, so I visited many ii places e.g. Plovdiv and Koprivshitsa. These places were really inspiring to learn English more . Over there I met my friends from Turkey. I am grateful that I could participate in this project, because I met many intelligent and open-minded people. This project allowed me to get to know myself better and unlocked my barrier to speaking English.
Beata Kruk
XXVII Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Zeslancow Sybiru w Lublinie
Project journal
Project journal, vol1 is dedicated to the meeting of Dej. The meeting from 6-th to11-th of November 2016 was the first international reunion. For the first time teachers from all eight partner schools joined their efforts in implementing the project.
The journal contains:
- meeting description
- International partnerships-ways to promote good practice education, by Daniela Herineanu
- Deputy headmaster” message at the end of the meeting- Livia Pop
- A Polish school into an Erasmus meeting in Dej by Darius Ral
- A Deep enjoyable journey by Seher, Selin and Savas (Members of teacher team)
- Greek team impressions by Eleni Papanikolaou, Argyraki Sofia, Nikolaos Chatziskakis 5TH LYCEUM OF VOLOS, Greece
- Filling in the compulsory fields, by Diana Rafa
- Our shining armor, by Diana Rafa
- Some thoughts, by Diana Rafa
Project journal, vol2 is dedicated to the meeting of Lublin, Poland. The journal starts with an activities descriptions, thoughts and impressions from Romanian team. The second set of thoughts are coming from the Italian team under the title ”The sense of membership”. The following team that shared its impression was the team of Mersin, Turkey under the title of ”Having a good time in Lublin”. The team from Istanbul wrote their impressions in the article ”A memorable day”. The following articles presents the impressions of the Greek team and the opinions of the Polish students from both schools involved in the project. Edited by a team of teachers and students from Zespol Szkol nr 10 wLublinie, Poland.
Pag1, pag2, pag3, pag4, pag5, pag6, pag7, pag8, pag9, pag10, pag11, content.
Project journal vol 3 was dedicated to the transnational project meeting in Istanbul, Turkey. The meeting was dedicated to taking decisions regarding project implementation. A difficult decision taken during this meeting was how to implement the Trans-curricular Olympiad. The reunited team of teachers decided to chose integrative thematic for implementing the contest, to publish items examples and requested contents and contest calendar and methodology. Also during the meeting the team took part in learning events proposed by the host school and debated about other implementation actions.
Project journal, vol4– is dedicated to the meeting from Volos, Greece. The volume was edited by the team from 5TH LYCEUM OF VOLOS, Greece and contains testimonials from all the teams that participated to the meeting of Volos.
Project journal vol 5 was dedicated to the meeting in Pedara, Italy, hosted by a good hard working team of teachers and students from Istituto Compresivo Salvatore Casella. The journal contains a description of meeting’s agenda, a detailed presentation of reunion’s activities and a collection of participants’ impressions. The accent was on project contest: Trans-curricular Olympiad, an ambitious contest with trans curricular character. At the beginning the idea of organizing such a contest looked nice, but the steps on implementing it were difficult. The international reunion was between schools with pupils of different ages so during the
implementation the international organizing team decided to chose different integrative topics for school levels. For primary they chose the wood as topic, for lower secondary they chose the water and for high-school they chose the air as integrative theme. The contest had tasks in communicating into English, math and science. Where pupils studied chemistry and physics items were added.
om Almeria
Project journal vol 6 was dedicate to the meeting from Almeria, Spain, hosted by CEIP San Luis. The reunion had as main activity the conference “Learning non conventional”. Students and teachers presented non conventional teaching/learning activities implemented in their schools. As secondary activities we can mention theatrical performances, common water sports activities, robotic workshop, visiting historic places, watching a traditional flamenco dance performances and dancing swing together.